- Sufi Moral Principles in Relation to People
Maryam Elahizadeh, Mohammadyousef Nayyeri, Abazar Kafi Mousavi * - The Epistemological Role of “Bewilderment” and its Compatibility with the Rank of “Certainty” in Religious Teachings
Ali Imani Nesab, Rahman Oshriyeh *, Mohammad Reza Khani - The Epistemological and Ontological Foundations of the Theory of Meaning in Ibn ʿArabī’s Mysticism and their Implications
Hojjat Boodaghi, Sakineh Rasmi * - The Influence of al-Niffarī on Ibn ʿArabī in His Discussion of the Spiritual Veil
Siamak Saadati *, Alireza Hajiannejad - The Role of Divine Names in Mystical Wayfaring as Outlined in Imam Khomeini’s Spiritual Anthropology
Azam Shahravi *, Hasan Mehdipour - A Closer Look at Ibn ʿArabī’s Interpretation of the Golden Calf
Mahmoud Sheikh *, Nazanin Jalili - The Characteristics of Mystical Wayfaring in Abū ʿAbdullāh al-Niffarī’s al-Mawāqif and al-Mukhāṭabāt
Reza Abbasi *, Azim Hamzeeian, Qhodratollah Khayatian - A Discourse Analysis of the Concept of Power in Sufism with a Particular Focus on Rūmī’s Maktūbāt
Abdul Basit bar *, Maryam shabanzadeh, abbas Abbas Nikkhah - Ibn ʿArabī’s Conception of the Relationship Between the Intellect and Mysticism
Hadi Ghahar * - A Closer Look at the Image of the Safavid-Period Sufi Shaykhs Through Antonio Gramsci’s Theory of Hegemony
Mahsa Kazempour, Masroureh Mokhtari *, Asgar Salahi - An Analysis of Sufi Ecstatic Utterances Based on Wittgenstein’s Theory of Language Games
Hossein Kazemi, Bahjat Al-Sadat Hejazi *, Naser Mohseninia - Exploring the Adaptability of Steven Katz’s Views on Mystical and Aesthetic Experiences in Islamic Art
Setareh Nasri *, Davoud Ranjbaran
Accepted Articles
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 16، Number 31
- Print ISSN: 2538-5135
- Online ISSN: 2980-8421
- Director-in-Charge: fatemeh tabatabai
- Editor-in-Chief: ghsem kakai
- Publisher: Scientific Association of Islamic Mysticism of Iran
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